Demos – APPSC (Group 1) EM


Paper – I

1. General Essay

Paper – II

1. Indian History

2. AP History

3. Geography

Paper – III

1. Polity and Constitution

2. Governance

3. Ethics

Paper – IV

1. Indian Economy (After Notification)

2. AP Econ0my (After Notification)

Paper – V

1. S and T

General English

1. English


Demos – APPSC (Group 1) TM


Paper – I

1. Indian Polity (Kalyan Sir Classes Will Starts in Nov 2020)

2. Indian Economy (Kalyan Sir Classes Will Starts in Nov 2020)

3. AP State Re Organization Act

4. Indian Geography

5. World Geography

6. Indian History

7. General Science

8. AP Economy

Paper – II

1. Reasoning

2. S and T


Paper – I

1. General Essay 

Paper – II

1. Indian History

2. AP History

3. Geography

Paper – III

1. Polity and Constitution

2. Governance

3. Ethics

Paper – IV

1. Indian Economy (After Notification)

2. AP Econ0my (After Notification)

Paper – V

1. S and T

General English

1. English


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